A simple and powerful way to meditate through call and response singing.
Kirtan practice is an effortless and joyful practice, that by-passes the mind and easily reaches the heart.
The ancient chants contain powerful renewing and transformative energy, that helps reconnect with the goodness or divinity that resides within each of us.
All welcome, no previous singing or chanting experience is needed. Bring an instrument if you have one.
Chanting of Mahamrityunjaya mantra will precede the kirtan at 6.00pm.
For enquiries, contact Atmavidya:
DATE: Friday 12 March 2021
TIME: 6.00 - 8.00pm
FOLLOWED BY: Herbal Tea and Plant-based snacks (optional). Feel free to bring plant-based food to share.
VENUE: Atmavidya’s 10 Plover Street, Southshore, Christchurch.