"Kirtan is a form of purification and liberation. The mantras sensitise us and polish away the clutter in our heads and melt the numbness in our hearts so that we can feel clear, awake and brilliantly alive."
Sean Johnson
Connect with other like-hearted beings to sing and chant into fullness the clarity of connectedness with ourselves and all beings, through the practice of Kirtan.
Time: 7.15-8.30pm
Where: Uprising Yoga Studio
Bookings: Link here and click on Kirtan scheduled this Friday
By Koha: All koha offered for the Kirtan event are givenn to Conservation Volunteers, taking care of the Mother Earth here in Waitaha Canterbury, Otautahi Christchurch and Te Pataka o Rakaihautuu Banks Peninsula is . You can bring your koha with you to the Kirtan or give your generosity online to Conservation Volunteers.
All are also welcome to stay after the Kirtan and enjoy the company of one another and beautiful kombucha, teas and vegan treats at the Uprising Cafe which is serving food and drink until 9pm and Uprising is open until 10pm.
We are grateful to be able to sing together again this month.