Creating space for the kindness of comfort in posture, sitting in a chair on on the ground, resting in relaxation posture or some other suitable posture, we deepen capacity to receive the jewels of wisdom that arise out of purifying the mind in these practices which will bring us to increasing steadiness and quietness of mind.
You are invited to join meditation practices which come from the ancient Vedas and Tantras, over this Block of 9 weeks.
Learn how to be comfortable and awake in the posture that allows one to come to the door of meditation and to open that door, recognising and softening into the deeper inner beauty and stillness.
Discover how to manage the challenges that can arise in meditation, with compassion and a natural and practical approach.
Contribution: $170 for 9 weeks or $20 per session (as space allows) OR $320 to join one yoga class each week plus this weekly meditation class for 9 weeks.
Contact: Atmavidya to book a space