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Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (Online from home)

Connecting in a regular way with ancient mantra can be of great value, to help the mind to learn how to remain steady. With steadiness of mind comes calmness and peace and the clarity to be able to act with wisdom.

           Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati initiated the Mahamrityunjaya mantra chanting and havan during the centenary birth year of his Guru, Sri Swami Sivananda. On April 5th 1986, the first havan was conducted at Bihar School of Yoga to commemorate the 100th birthday of Swami Sivananda and honour his teachings of yoga as a way to develop physical and mental health, experience total wellbeing and establish peace in life.

            Since 1986, the chanting of the Mahamrityunjaya mantra has become an integral sadhana of the Bihar Yoga tradition, and is practised every Saturday by yoga aspirants with their families, and all who follow the spiritual path as propagated by Bihar Yoga.

             For those who wish to participate in this sadhana and make it a routine in their lives, Bihar School of Yoga is pleased to offer the link below. By learning to chant the mantra and participating in the havan sadhana, yoga aspirants and devotees can connect with the sankalpa of Swami Sivananda and Swami Satyananda and awaken the power of this mantra for health, healing and peace.

             For those who cannot perform the havan due to practical restrictions, the Mahamrityunjaya mantra can be chanted along with this link: Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Havan --.

In this way all will be able to connect with the source of strength and healing within.

With prayers for the wellbeing, peace and happiness of all:

You are invited to join us and connect to the practice set in Bihar India, from your own home,

quietly via phone or computer:

Mantra Meditation practice of Mahamrityunjaya chanting

(30 minute practice)

Via Zoom weekly Saturday, with the following link:

or connect directly with the practice set in Bihar, India, with the following link:

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Havan --

In our own homes daily, 4:30 - 5:00 pm

The practice continues, for courage and transformation to help us meet our challenges, for calmness, peace and wisdom in the face of difficulty, fear or anxiety.  

Knowing that others are practicing with us at the same time brings a sense of connection to something much greater.

For the health and well-being of Papatuaanuku/Mother Earth and all her inhabitants

Simply place yourself at the centre of your awareness at the start (for well-being begins with each one of us) and then spread awareness out .......


Om tra-yam-BA-kam ya-jaa-MA-he su-gan-dhim pu-shti-var-dha-NAM ur-vaa-ru-ka-mi-va ban-DHA-naat mrit-yor-muk-shee-ya maam-RI-taat

We respect the universal consciousness which nourishes all beings. May we be free from our misperceptions and any fear of death by realising our most natural eternal essence, just as the cucumber, when ripe, is released from the bondage of the vine.

The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is for healing, transformation, energy and support in the face of life’s challenges.



Contact for more info.